Jewish Ancestral Healing Course with Taya Mâ
This course is taught by Taya Mâ and includes content material on Jewish ancestor reverence practices and a group immersion into the Ancestral Lineage Healing process.
Course registration is $375.
This course is taught by Taya Mâ and includes content material on Jewish ancestor reverence practices and a group immersion into the Ancestral Lineage Healing process.
Course registration is $375.
This course is taught by Taya Mâ and includes content material on Jewish ancestor reverence practices and a group immersion into the Ancestral Lineage Healing process.
Course registration is $375.
Join us to engage:
Weekly lessons on Jewish ancestor reverence practices. Our areas of exploration include working with stones, yahrtzeit practices of remembering, the ancestralization practice of Mourner’s Kaddish, the pilgrimage practice of Hillula and more. Lessons are delivered through audio recording and identical transcribed text.
Weekly group Zoom video calls guiding participants through a process of Ancestral Lineage Healing. Our sessions, guided by Taya Mâ, include an orientation to the protocols we’ll engage, an assessment of participants’ four primary blood / family lineages, welcoming connection with an ancestral guide, and building relationship with your guide to anchor blessing for you and healing for one of your family lineages.
There is an optional Facebook group for those in this course, to serve as a space for check-in and integration, sharing experiences, questions, receiving feedback and connecting in community.