The Jewish Ancestral Healing Online course is taught by Taya Mâ and includes two personal Ancestral Lineage Healing sessions, content material on Jewish ancestor reverence practices delivered in audio and written format, and monthly group video calls (optional, recorded).
The personal sessions include an assessment of students’ four primary bloodlines and continue toward connecting with an ancestral guide to anchor blessing and bring healing / repair through one of the lineages.
In our opening call, we'll review the principles of the Ancestral Lineage Healing model and set clear intentions for the work. The remaining calls are check-in and integration calls, space for sharing experiences, questions, receiving feedback and connecting in community.
Bi-weekly content on Jewish ancestor reverence practices including working with stones, yahrzeit practices of remembering, the ancestralization practice of reciting Mourner's Kaddish, the pilgrimage practice of Hillula and more, is delivered through audio recording and identical text / transcription.
Course registration is $450 upfront or 3 monthly installments of $150. Register via paypal to (include Jewish Ancestral Healing, as well as your email address, along with your payment).
Community calls are on the Zoom platform, Sundays at 4 pm ET / 1 pm PT.
Opening call: Sunday October 11, 2020
Second call: Sunday November 8, 2020
Third call: Sunday December 13th, 2020